These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


911 Devices

New 911 items 

Some new advances for 911′ medical alert advances when ‘seconds count’ include-
in home wireless devices- no land line needed; small compact Mobile solutions – ResCube mobile; fashionable interchangeable/ waterproof cases and new mobile alarm sensor technology for fall detection.

The best first aid apps for iPhone and iPad – appPicker

A watch that stops unnecessary heart attack deaths
Oxitone watch GE is banking on Oxitone wrist monitor to provide a heads-up for someone to get medical assistance before it’s too late.

C- ‘911’ CARE- MEDICAL ID/ALERT DEVICES– -GO HIGH TECH!—–Some aren’t just bracelets or necklaces now-or they come in charm bracelets, invisible bracelets- (key fob and wallet card). sleek mesh, silver, and gold bracelets, sports and children version (see sample below) and pendants, dog tag, watches, key chains, health passports, Medical ID wallet cards, and new ones that fit on your shoelaces and also flash drives-(electronic medical record);

– for COMPLETE list of MEDICAL ID’s and 911 alert devices go http://www.healinghopeteam’ click on ‘911’ devices icon or go to 911 devices (under site features).
Asthma Kids Medical ID Tag with Sun and Clouds Sport Strap Bracelet Adjustable 4 – 8 Inches – Item AA1355 – Engravable. $14.95


1. MY IHR service—My Interactive Health Record Service-account accessible to emergency responders –to access medical history/info- ID necklace/bracelet contains on line record—(engraved with user name and pin #–acccess patient info via phone #, or website).
2. USB IDs- The USB is a necklace that has a USB device and a pre loaded program
Easy to use.– simply plug into your computer, enter your password and entering your info -If someone plugs it into their computer they can see the information you’ve saved into the file.3. HOME MEDICAL ALERT INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-, device to call for help when you are unable to, when seconds count.4. ICE—-don’t forget to list your emergency contacts on your phone. Medical professionals are trained to look for ICE (in case of emergency) in your phone’s contact or address book. List medications and important medical information like allergies and conditions here, too.5. UPCOMING-GPS/ ONE CALL ALERT- tracking system for travel; monitors your location and alerts medical responders-to launch later this year!

COOL ASTHMA GADGETS- -You can get a program that plots a graph of your peak flow on your iFone

There is a thing called an inhaler mate which holds your inhaler and has a little counter on it so you can keep track of puff

You can get a thing called a doser that keeps track of the doses you use on a MDI inhaler

You can buy a case for your inhaler called an APOD

You can get a glow in the dark cap for your MDI inhaler at

Medgadget –Respira!: DIY Spacers for Asthma Attacks- by Gene Ostrovsky on Aug 22, 2007 • 10:29 am = Stanford University’s Design School along with the School of Medicine tackled a simple problem that is costing a lot of rural Mexican asthmatics a lot of time. The issue is a lack of “spacers”, simple devices that create an air chamber in front of the mouth into which the inhaler discharges its medicine, and then the patient can easily breathe it in.

Inhalers are used in combination with a device commonly called a “spacer.” A spacer is a chamber that attaches to an inhaler, captures the discharged medication and holds it until the patient inhales it. In spite of their effectiveness, these devices are unavailable in Mexican Health Centers due to their cost (~ $50 plus distribution). Using paper and a precise system of cuts and folds, we have designed a spacer that can be produced for approximately 25 cents, a cost reduction of more than 99%. Furthermore, the device can be distributed as a flat sheet to be folded into a usable form on-site, so hundreds can be sent for the cost of a stamp.

SPECIAL THANKS to AMY WAX for her research help and supportJ X0, and to ALAN T. BROWN for his assistance, and to all who have been there for me, friends, family, physicians, and supporters.

Medical bracelets go high-tech—USA TODAY

Medical bracelets have been around for years. These standard issue bracelets alert emergency personnel to your medical conditions. However, the days of silver-colored bracelets are long gone.

The first thing you’ll notice is how they look now. Some aren’t bracelets at all. You’ll find pendants, watches, key chains, ones that fit on your shoelaces and even flash drives.


Click here to View Select Devices.

“The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the self, love creates health”. I have been led along the way in my healing journey to many products that can be life saving; life altering, life enhancing and life extending. Preventative measures and emergency devices are the first things I recommend for safety and being able to get the right help when needed, These items are critical for children with food and drug allergies; for anyone at any age with any medical conditions/or cognitive impairments; for anyone living alone; for the elderly population to assist them to maintain their independence and live at home longer; and for saving lives in emergency situations when seconds can mean the difference between life and death.

On May 5, 2008, I lay gasping for air on my bedroom floor, due to a severe pulmonary condition. My heart went into sinus tachychardia,and felt like it was beating a thousand times a minute. I was in severe pulmonary distress and I felt as though I was not going to survive. I had the frightening experience of not even having the breath to summon emergency help on my own. I thought my world was coming to an end, I remember thinking,” I can’t believe this is happening, I have so much more to do and to live for’, and ‘ ‘I am too young to die’. As I started to say my goodbye’s to those I loved, I looked upward and prayed for g-d to please give me the breath to call ‘911’ for emergency help. It was a miracle that I was then able to whisper into the phone for help to be sent. I only wish I had owned a HOME EMERGENCY MEDICAL ALERT device at that time, so I wouldn’t have had to experience the horrific fear of almost not being able to get the critical help I needed in time. I want others, both young and old, to feel safe and protected ‘24/7’, and to own a medical alert device, before instead of after the fact. Owning one can save your life!

After this frightening ‘911’ experience, the first part of my ‘healing mission’ became apparent. I knew I had to devote myself to help save others lives and then to provide the tools and vehicles for obtaining optimum health and healing. Most of us protect our cars, our homes and our health via insurance, though we often don’t know or think of the importance of how to best protect ourselves should a medical or any other emergency occur. The first line of defense and protection for all ages should be a home medical alert system. My first goal is to provide education regarding tools that are essential, especially when critical seconds count. I hope to spread the messege regarding the necessity of home and portable emergency devices for prevention, protection and peace of mind and above all, for being able to summon and receive emergency medical care before it is too late, as it almost was in my case.

Injuries and complications can be minimized and lives can be saved simply by having a direct link to dispatch emergency care. A dispatcher will stay on line and speak to you, to keep you calm until help arrives. In addition to contacting and receiving help, your emergency contacts are notified, and the system has a record of critical information including your physician; hospital of choice; any medications you are taking and/or allergic to; and your spare key location/or contact. A system that has an A plus rating, by the BBB (better business bureau), and with waterproof wrist, clip-on and pendant options is recommended. I am very grateful my family ordered a med alert device for me. It is very comforting to know I will always be able to summon emergency help now should I ever need it again, when even seconds can make a signifcant difference.

A medical alert is essential for anyone, at any age, with any medical conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular or pulmonary disorders; anyone who lives alone; and/or who wants to feel safe and sercure. In addition, any elderly persons who own a unit is also able to live at home an average of six years longer and will remain more independent, without limiting their normal daily activity.

Another emergency device that speaks for you when you are unable to, a PERSONAL FLASH DRIVE (electronic medical record), would also have helped greatly when the paramedics arrived. I was asked many questions that I was unable to provide answers to, including the cause of my breathing distress; my medical history; and where my drivers license and insurance card were, I now have a portable flash drive device which can store drug and medical info including MRI’s, X-rays, EKG’s, as well as your living will or directives for emergency personnel. This device is great for anyone with any medical conditions, living alone, traveling, and basically anyone who wants to be safe! A sticker on your license will inform medical personnel that you own a flash drive device.

The GPS MED ALERT Travel System , allows seniors to travel anywhere in the United States and have help at their fingertips. The small self contained pendant can be clipped on or carried in a purse or pocket and activated when needed. The 911 Certified Operator can locate persons immediately and summon help,. This 911 ALERT SYTEM with state of the art GPS tracking is the only one which works everywhere . MEDICAL ALERT ID cards contain instant access to your medical profile, ‘your medical info in your pocket’. Medical personnel can readily obtain critical medical and contact informat,ion, as well as access to your Secure Online Medical Profile Information. Your CERTIFIED 100% SECURE medical profile website allows you to store and retrieve vital medical information. New records/information can be added immediately from any computer using the simple user friendly website. This service is a great way for caregivers to keep track of the medications being taken by a loved ones, especially seniors and those suffering with mental/cognitive issues. MEDICAL ID JEWELRY can also provide critical medical information, engraved via different modern styled bracelets and necklaces, including charms, sportsbands, dog tags, pendants, and medical ID bands for children. Medical ID jewelry is highly recommended for persons taking blood thinners, with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, drug allergies, food allergies, memory impairment, pacemaker/defibrillator or other implant, seizures, etc.

These ‘911’ devices would have helped greatly in my emergency situation. I want others to be informed and have protection before they may need them! Preventative measures and emergency devices are imperative for security, safety, and being able to get the right help when needed.

Please refer to, or email: , for additional information.

Medical bracelets have been around for years. These standard issue bracelets alert emergency personnel to your medical conditions. However, the days of silver-colored bracelets are long gone.

The first thing you’ll notice is how they look now. Some aren’t bracelets at all. You’ll find pendants, watches, key chains, ones that fit on your shoelaces and even flash drives.

Ask Kim–
More importantly, they provide instant access to your entire health record. Here’s a look at what’s available.

CARE Medical History Bracelet

The CARE Medical History Bracelet is available at your local drugstore for around $20. The colorful bracelet is loaded with software to help you manage your medical information. You can list your medications and conditions. It can also store emergency contact information and your insurance information.

There is no subscription fee, and nothing is stored online. When the bracelet is connected to a PC or Mac via USB, access to your data is provided. You can update the information on the bracelet at any time.


MedicAlert is perhaps the most well-known company to make medical IDs. They offer a wide variety of medical ID styles, starting from $10. The ID contains a toll-free phone number and an identification number. This allows medical personnel to obtain your records. The service also notifies family members in the event of an emergency.

There is an annual membership fee that costs $40 for adults and $30 for children. After the first year, it drops to $30 for adults and $15 for kids. The service will store your entire medical history; you can update it online any time.

American Medical ID

American Medical ID also makes a variety of medical IDs. You’ll find necklaces, bracelets and key chains starting from $25. You can have conditions and allergies engraved on the ID. Additionally, you can put your access code to an online database containing your medical records. Emergency personnel can access your information.

There’s no subscription fee when you buy an ID; it is free for life. You can join the registry without buying an ID. There is a $30 one-time charge. American Medical ID also makes the e-MedTAG ($30). This is a stainless steel thumb drive that looks like a dog tag. Use it to store your medical records. It can also hold emergency contacts, a living will and insurance details.

Invisible Bracelet

If you don’t want to wear a medical ID, consider Invisible Bracelet. Start by signing up on its site. You’ll pay $10 annually for a membership. Then, you can upload your medical information to the site. You can also provide emergency contact information. When you need, you can update your information on the site.

You’ll get a key fob and wallet card. These provide a PIN to unlock your information. Anyone can access information, like emergency contacts, that you label public. This can be done through a simple text message. Registered emergency responders can access more information.


Med-InfoChip makes a thumb drive that you can keep in your wallet. You can also put it on a key chain or a lanyard. Prices start at $70 for a single profile. When it’s connected to a PC or Mac, a program opens. It can contain your medical profile including allergies and medications. You can also include medical directives and emergency contacts.

All this sounds great but big questions remain. In the event of an accident and you cannot speak for yourself, do emergency personnel know to look on your person for these bracelets, pendants, key chains and flash drives? And do they even have time to access the data?

Most EMTs and first responders know to look for medical bracelets. When seconds count, if you have an allergy or life-threatening condition, it might be best to stick to the old-fashioned bracelets.

Finally, don’t forget to list your emergency contacts on your phone. Medical professionals are trained to look for ICE (in case of emergency) in your phone’s contact or address book. List medications and important medical information like allergies and conditions here, too.