These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to our team of Healers-

Healing Hope Team Ambassador list in the works-please stay tuned!

Our Healing Hope team TOP HEALERS- are featured on the website 1st page   -and include top medical experts carefully  chosen;  conventional experts as well as  natural/adjunctive healers/products to facilitate the healing process and for optimal health and wellness-on all levels- mentally-spiritually and physically. You can also find healers in our directory, and also join there as a healer’ …as well as search for healing support…doctor, therapist, healers, healing friend, coach,  diet buddy, fitness buddy, or ask for healing support.

From prevention to cutting edge solutions, we will provide updates and featured products of the month.

Natural products may not be FDA approved though are clinically proven to be successful.

We are in the process of assembling our team now-, to to contribute as a healer or product  or to become

HEALING HOPE TEAM AMBASSADOR-please email: for additional information

Local Healers

Dr. Robert KaganMRI scans for EARLY DETECTION is key; if we discover, that we are predisposed toward developing an illness or disease, we can take measures to prevent and/or reverse it’s course or progression, rather than having to find cures when the disease has already presented itself. ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’.

$75.00 discount towards the Body Scan-Body wellness profile when you mention the Healing Hope Team website!

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Grusky ChiropracticAt this office our mission is to improve the quality of your life. We know that health is so much more than just not feeling pain. We strive to have our patients reach their fullest innate potential.

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  • FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers-

Transform sick care to well care! —

.Prevent / treat falls – the leading cause of injury-related deaths & serious health problems in the U.S.—click for more info…..

National Healers-

Featuring a doctor at your fingertips-24/7- medical/psychologist assist by licensed professionals

Keith MoreyIn my own journey to good health, I realized that in most cases the doctors were addressing the symptoms but not the cause. They were addressing the flu, a cold, cancer, or the overweight problem by prescribing pills, medications and antibiotics.

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Tony O’DonnellIrish-born Tony O’Donnell, CNC., the Herb Doc seen on ABC and CNN News, is a naturopath who was inspired by his father’s untimely death from heart disease to devote his life to helping others lead healthier lives. Founder and president of G.W. Health LLC, Tony is the formulator of many leading powdered superfood formulas.

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International Healers

Dr. Woo Chul Moon-Korea read more

SPIRITUAL HEALERS-  my healing journey included healing on all levels—physically, mentally and spiritually—

and many healers were brought into my life serendipitously who I highly recommend and helped me to achieve true healing and balance and a further sense of of purpose and health…

i.e. Hershel Lazaroff; Rabbi Bar Ami, Dr Gamliel; Dr Wudni, Nilli, Yvette- and most recently Chaya and others whom I will be featuring –so please stay tuned!…..or contact me for details.