These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


How to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease—A Neurologist Speaks Out –Dr David Perlmutter, M.D.

September 29, 2013 ,

Story at-a-glance

Alzheimer’s disease is currently at epidemic proportions, with 5.4 million Americans—including one in eight people aged 65 and over—living with it. There is no known cure, and few truly effective treatments

Research suggests the best hope is in prevention focusing on exercise and diet, specifically replacing carbohydrates with higher amounts of healthful fats, and moderate amounts of high-quality protein

Gluten sensitivity appears to be involved in most chronic disease, including those affecting the brain, because of how gluten affects your immune system. Glucose and fructose,(sugars) and carbohydrates can also have powerfully toxic effects Preventing and treating neurological disorders requires severe restriction of gluten and casein. You also need to address your gut flora

Soda: Public health enemy No. 1?


It’s a well-known adage: Drinking too much soda is bad for you. But just how bad is excessive soda consumption for your body?

The unanimous answer from experts: “Very.” And regular soda isn’t the only culprit. Even diet drinks, which utilize artificial sweeteners in place of sugar, could still negatively impact an individual’s health.

High rates of soda consumption have been linked with numerous health problems, including weight gain, poor dental health, diabetes and cardiovascular disease – which can ultimately lead to heart attacks, stroke and premature death.

To help better understand the risks of drinking too much soda, doctors from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and UH Case Medical Centers in Cleveland, Ohio detailed exactly how the body responds to sugary, sweetened beverages, as well as how you can cut soda from your diet without eliminating it completely.

Calories and weight

The average American consumes 45 gallons of sugary, sweetened beverages per year, according to a 2011 study by Yale University. Meanwhile, the obesity epidemic is in full swing in the United States, with more than 69 percent of adults considered overweight or obese – a problem which many health experts are quick to blame on Americans’ soda habit.

“The main thing is excess calories,” Dr. Christopher Ochner, assistant professor of pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, told “If everything else in their diet is equal, a person who has a can of Coke a day adds an extra 14.5 pounds per year, just from the calories alone.”

“You’d probably be better off eating those calories at McDonald’s, because you’d at least get some nutrition.”

– Dr. Christopher Ochner, professor at Mount Sinai, regarding drinking a 12-ounce can of soda

Many nutritionists espouse the idea that “a calorie is a calorie,” meaning it doesn’t matter where your calories are coming from as long as you consume around 2,000 a day. And with a 12-ounce can of Coke containing only 140 calories, some consumers believe drinking a can or two of soda per day isn’t making much of a difference in their diet.

But according to Ochner, new studies have emerged in the past decade that suggest all calories may not be created equal.

“We’re finding some research that seems to indicate that calories from sugar are more easily turned into fat in your body than calories from fat in food are turned into fat in your body,” Ochner said. Translation: Eating and drinking sugar makes you gain more weight than eating fat.

Another problem with sugary beverages is the method of consumption – drinking. Ochner noted that when individuals drink a lot of calories, their bodies don’t register fullness as quickly as when they eat the calories. Therefore, they tend to drink more and more soda without getting a signal from their bodies to stop.

Furthermore, as people consume lots of sugar in one sitting, they experience what is commonly referred to as a “sugar rush.” To match this spike in sugar, the body produces a spike in insulin, which is followed by a glucose crash. How do people compensate for this crash? Typically by consuming more sugar, Ochner said.

“These people wind up spiking and crashing, and the system that keeps trying to regulate this – it’s up and down,” Ochner said, referring to what is known as the glycemic index. “You get dysregulation, and you wind up getting insulin resistance. The body’s not able to properly metabolize the sugar, which ultimately leads to diabetes.”

Due to the overwhelmingly adverse health effects associated with drinking soda, Ochner recommends that people should drop soda completely from their diets. But if you still need that 140-calorie fix, he said almost anything else is better than soda.

“There’s zero nutritional value. None,” Ochner said. “You’d probably be better off eating those calories at McDonald’s, because you’d at least get some nutrition.”

Heart health

While the extra pounds gained through soda consumption often contribute to adverse heart conditions such as cardiovascular disease and stroke, some experts believe that drinking sugary drinks can increase a person’s risk for an unhealthy heart independent of weight gain.

CDC Facts on Sugary Drinks Consumption

– About half of the population consumes sugar drinks on any given day.

– Teenagers and young adults consume more sugar drinks than other age groups.

– Males consume more sugar drinks than females.

To learn more about the consumption of sugary drinks, visit


The three main ingredients in a 12-ounce can of soda include 41 grams of sugar, 30 milligrams of sodium and 38 milligrams of caffeine. According to Dr. Mary Ann McLaughlin, medical director of the cardiac health program and co-director of the women’s cardiac assessment and risk evaluation program at Mount Sinai, it’s the latter two ingredients that do the most damage to the heart.

“Caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure, and too much sodium over the course of the day can increase food retention. This combination of caffeine and sodium has a dehydrating effect,” McLaughlin told “People drink because they’re thirsty, but they end up urinating before long because of the caffeine. What you want is for the heart to be replenished with water, so they think they are hydrating themselves, but they’re really not if most of what they drink is soda.”

Studies have also shown that people who consume soda tend to develop metabolic syndrome, a condition characterized by a cluster of symptoms, including abdominal girth, elevated blood pressure, raised glucose, elevated triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol (commonly referred to as “good cholesterol”).

“What we consider to be the implication is this accelerates the risk factors for atherosclerosis,” Dr. Sahil Parikh, a cardiologist for UH Case Medical Center in Cleveland, told “Atherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries, so when we talk about adult heart disease, we talk about atherosclerosis.”

Is diet soda any better?

Many soda lovers who understand the ill effects of soda think that turning to diet soft drinks may be a better option, since these beverages tout “zero” calories. But health experts are still on the fence about diet soda, as more and more evidence surfaces linking these drinks to equally damaging health conditions.

“Interestingly, diet soda is not without its own problems, because it turns out if you look at people who drink diet soda, they tend to be heavier,” McLaughlin said.

Ochner said he has an open, but skeptical view about diet soda, since the studies out there have yet to establish a causal connection between diet soft drinks and obesity.

“Most of them are asking people how much diet soda they drink,” Ochner said. “But it also may be that more obese people are trying to lose weight, so they are more likely to try diet soda.”

However, a recent study from Purdue University argued that behavioral explanations aren’t fully to blame for the link between soft drinks and obesity. The researchers maintained that artificial sweeteners in soft drinks trick the body into reacting differently when it tastes something sweet, ultimately throwing off metabolism.

So what are soda lovers to do? Of course, health experts recommend replacing soft drinks with plain old water. But people don’t necessarily need to cut soda from their diet completely. The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 450 calories per week from sugar sweetened beverages, based on a daily diet of 2,000 calories.

“Everything in moderation,” Ochner said. “It’s 140 calories. It’s like eating a packet of gummy bears. If you eat that once a week, it won’t affect you. Very few things in moderation are really going to hurt you.”

So next time you’re offered a chance to super-size your soda at the movie theater, health experts advise to think twice.

“Too much of a bad thing is a bad thing,” Parikh told

New Cholesterol Drug PCSK9 is Likely to Prematurely Kill You

Raises Coronary Plaque 52%, While Claiming to Be “Good” for Your Heart
It’s a major medical fad that can lead to nearly all the same problems it promises to prevent… in addition to dementia, cancer, suicide, and more. If that isn’t bad enough, it wrecks your fitness levels – even if you work out. Do you make this mistake? Likely to Prematurely Kill You-

Why the 40 Year “War on Cancer” is a Big, Fat Lie

Big Pharma doesn’t care that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer, all they’re concerned about is keeping this well-oiled cash-cow running – stopping at nothing (including imprisonment) to prevent any physician from finding a solution that works…; Note- for Natural Solutions for cancer see below, or go to , hot topic-CANCER-natural Solutions; and

  • A fascinating documentary exposes the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures they will undertake to discredit, imprison, and professionally destroy any physician who treats cancer patients naturally
  • One million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and one person of every three will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; two of every three will die from their cancer within five years
  • The average cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease, making the cancer industry a 50 billion dollar per year industry; the medical monopoly is not motivated to find a cure when treatment it is so lucrative
  • Many natural treatments have been used successfully with cancer, but the treatments are hushed, buried, and kept out of public view with smear campaigns funded by the medical cartel
  • — top 12 cancer prevention strategies are listed, below, including specific tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and managing stress –


Dr Mercola- Top 12 Cancer Prevention Strategies

There is so much you can do to lower your risk for cancer. But please don’t wait until you get the diagnosis—you have to take preventative steps NOW. It’s much easier to prevent cancer than to treat it, once it takes hold. I believe you can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer and chronic disease, and radically improve your chances of recovering from cancer if you currently have it, by following these relatively simple strategies.

  • Food Preparation: Eat at least one-third of your food raw. Avoid frying
    or charbroiling
    ; boil, poach or steam your foods instead. Consider adding cancer-fighting whole foods, herbs, spices and supplements to your diet, such as
    broccoli, curcumin and resveratrol. To learn more about how these anti-angiogenetic foods fight cancer, please see our previous article:

    Dramatically Effective New Natural Way to Starve Cancer and Obesity
  • Carbohydrates and Sugar: Reduce or eliminate processed foods, sugar/fructose and grain-based foods from your diet. This applies to whole unprocessed organic grains as well, as they tend to rapidly break down and drive up your insulin level. The evidence is quite clear that if you want to avoid cancer, or you currently have cancer, you absolutely MUST avoid all forms of sugar, especially fructose, which feeds cancer cells and promotes their growth. Make sure your total fructose intake is less than 25 grams daily, including fruit.
  • Protein and Fat: Consider reducing your protein levels to one gram per kilogram of lean body weight. It would be unusual for most adults to need more than 100 grams of protein and most likely close to half of that amount. Replace excess protein with high quality fats, such as organic eggs from pastured hens, high quality meats, avocados, and coconut oil.
  • GMOs: Avoid genetically engineered foods as they are typically treated with herbicides such as Roundup (glyphosate), which are likely to be carcinogenic. A French research team that has extensively studied Roundup concluded it’s toxic to human cells, and likely carcinogenic to humans. Choose fresh, organic, preferably locally growth foods.
  • Animal Based Omega-3 fats: Normalize your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats by taking a high-quality krill oil and reducing your intake of processed vegetable oils.
  • Natural Probiotics: Optimizing your gut flora will reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune response. Researchers have found a microbe-dependent mechanism through which some cancers mount an inflammatory response that fuels their development and growth. They suggest that inhibiting inflammatory cytokines might slow cancer progression and improve the response to chemotherapy.Adding naturally fermented food to your daily diet is an easy way to prevent cancer or speed recovery. You can always add a high quality probiotic supplement as well, but naturally fermented foods are the best.
  • Exercise: Exercise lowers insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. In a three-month study, exercise was found to alter immune cells into a more potent disease-fighting form in cancer survivors who had just completed chemotherapy.
    Researchers and cancer organizations increasingly recommend making regular exercise a priority in order to reduce your risk of cancer, and help improve cancer outcomes. Research has also found evidence suggesting exercise can help trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Ideally, your exercise program should include balance, strength, flexibility, high intensity interval training (HIIT). For help getting started, refer to my Peak Fitness Program.
  • Vitamin D: There is scientific evidence you can decrease your risk of cancer by more than half simply by optimizing your vitamin D levelswith appropriate sun exposure. Your serum level should hold steady at 50-70 ng/ml, but if you are being treated for cancer, it should be closer to 80-90 ng/ml for optimal benefit.If you take oral vitamin D and have cancer, it would be very prudent to monitor your vitamin D blood levels regularly, as well as supplementing your vitamin K2, as K2 deficiency is actually what produces the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity. To learn more, please see my previous article: What You Need to Know About Vitamin K2, D and Calcium.
  • Sleep: Make sure you are getting enough restorative sleep. Poor sleep can interfere with your melatonin production, which is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance and weight gain, both of which contribute to cancer’s virility.
  • Exposure to Toxins: Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, herbicides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and toxic cosmetics.
  • Exposure to Radiation: Limit your exposure and protect yourself from radiation produced bycell phones , towers, base stations, and Wi-Fi stations, as well as minimizing your exposure from radiation-based medical scans, including dental x-rays, CT scans, and mammograms.
  • Stress Management: Stress from all causes is a major contributor to disease. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is driven by emotional factors. It is likely that stress and unresolved emotional issues may be more important than the physical ones, so make sure this is addressed. My favorite tool for resolving emotional challenges is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

What to Do If You Already Have Cancer

Without a doubt the most powerful essential strategy I know of to treat cancer is to starve the cells by depriving them of their food source. Unlike your body cells, which can burn carbs or fat for fuel, cancer cells have lost that metabolic flexibility. Dr. Otto Warburg was actually given a Nobel Prize over 75 years ago for figuring this out but virtually no oncologist actually uses this information.

You can review Dr Mercola recent interview with Dr. D’Agostino for more details but integrating a ketogenic diet with hyperbaric oxygen therapy which is deadly to cancer cells debilitated by starving them of their fuel source would be the strategy I would recommend to my family if they were diagnosed with cancer.

Vitamins May Curb the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamins May Curb the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

Israelis show why chronic stress leads to disease

Constant low levels of cortisol destroy normal regulation of the immune system, putting stressed-out people at risk of autoimmune disorders.

“There is no neurological syndrome that has nothing to do with the immune system,” says Prof. Alon Monsonego. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

“There is no neurological syndrome that has nothing to do with the immune system,” says Prof. Alon Monsonego. Photo by Dani Machlis/BGU

An intricate dance goes on between our immune and neurological systems, and by analyzing the microscopic choreography, Israel’s Prof. Alon Monsonego has made a unique discovery.

As he explains in the April 29 European Journal of Immunology, chronic stress leaves us more vulnerable to developing an autoimmune disorder.

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“We believe there is no neurological syndrome that has nothing to do with the immune system,” Monsonego tells ISRAEL21c.

When we experience an episode of acute stress – a traffic accident, for example – our adrenal glands get a message to release the hormone cortisol, otherwise known as the stress hormone.

Cortisol temporarily suppresses the immune system and adds glucose (sugar) to the bloodstream in seconds, giving our bodies optimum power to get through the dangerous or frightening episode.

But when we experience chronic stress – say, caring for a relative with Alzheimer’s or working in a pressured profession – we’ve got low levels of cortisol coursing through our blood all the time.

After awhile, the constantly present stress hormone permanently damages immune-system cells, and the ones that survive become aggressively resistant to the hormone.

In other words, chronic stress causes a breakdown in the normal regulation of the immune system. And that can lead to autoimmune diseases, where we produce antibodies that destroy our own tissues. Some of these 80 diseases include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 diabetes.

“Which one you develop depends on genetics and environment,” Monsonego says, adding that chronic inflammation from conditions such as arthritis also triggers the release of cortisol.

Next step: a test to measure effects of cortisol

Using chronically stressed lab mice exposed to a disease similar to multiple sclerosis, Monsonego and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev colleagues Dr. Idan Harpaz and Prof. Hagit Cohen showed that the mice were more prone to develop the disease than they were under normal conditions.

The effect was more significant in female mice than in male mice. Not surprising, since more women than men develop autoimmune disease.

The Israeli team’s revelation of the mechanisms that cause damage to immune system regulation is unprecedented.

The potential practical applications of this discovery are immense.

Because not everyone reacts to stress in the same way, a blood test to measure the effect of cortisol on immune-system functioning would provide a valuable tool for preventing an autoimmune disease from developing, he says.

“It may be that a certain lifestyle is not stressful to one person but it can be very stressful to someone else. If someone is in danger of any type of chronic stress, we may not know when they’re at a point of [immune system] damage, and this can help people pay attention to it and reduce stress before they get sick.”

He advises that exercise, proper nutrition and stress management are essential to keep psychological stress from causing physical illness.

For people who already suffer an autoimmune disease, the same blood test would help physicians determine appropriate doses of the synthetic cortisol (steroids) generally prescribed to people with these diseases.

“It is well-known that patients respond differently to treatment with steroids, and we like to limit steroids as much as possible,” says Monsonego. “But at some point they do not work. Patients develop resistance and you don’t know this if you can’t measure.

He hopes his research will lead to a way of determining from the start if the patient is resistant to steroid therapy.

Monsonego, who describes his field of neuro-immunology as “an attempt to understand the dialogue between the neurological and immune systems,” is now completing a study with his collaborators on the physical effects of chronic stress on early-stage Alzheimer’s patients and their spouses.

A watch that stops unnecessary heart attack deaths
Oxitone watch GE is banking on Oxitone wrist monitor to provide a heads-up for someone to get medical assistance before it’s too late.

WORLD ASTHMA DAY -5/7..PLEASE STOP & Take a breath!

World Asthma Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to improve asthma awareness and care around the world. World Asthma Day 2013 is Tuesday, May 7, 2013 – the theme will continue to be “You Can Control Your Asthma.” However, this year GINA will also introduce a sub-theme, “It’s Time to Control Asthma.” We encourage activity organizers around the world to complete the sentence, “It’s Time to…” as relevant to their event and target audience. –

The HEALING HOPE TEAM believes ‘IT’S TIME TO STOP AND BREATHE’…—and take a minute to learn all the new advances of how to control your asthma-you can do it!-Please see the A, B, C’s below. (written in celebration of the 5th year anniversary of my ‘911’ experience on 5/5). Please share and forward to anyone who suffers from asthma or any lung diseases, and please ‘like’ and join the HEALING HOPE TEAM, (for free) for solutions, and to ask for and lend health/healing support and HOPE to anyone in need. Thank you, Cindy Miropol, O.T.R. Founder Healing Hope Team Inc.


A- ACTION PLAN– FIRST , you must start with a plan. Your HEALTH should be #1. You should be ACTIVELY INVOLVED in your care/meds/and have at least one person for healing and emergency support (‘911’ buddy/see ‘’ for a healing and ‘911’ buddy); and for asking for and sending healing support-and a MEDICAL ALERT SYSTEM for ‘911’ help should you live alone (see below).

Your plan should include how to control asthma, daily and long term AND how to handle worsening asthma, or attacks. It should include when to call the doctor, when to take measures , rescue meds (which to take, what amount, precautions) and know when/where to go for emergency intervention.


The Red Alert Program for life-threatening asthma. [Pediatrics. 1997] – PubMed – NCBI



a-Xolair-injections to regulate asthma by blocking receptor cells from toxic reactions; a blood test needed to see if you qualify.

b-Mepolizumab- The drug for people with severe asthma may allow patients to reduce their dependence on traditional steroid inhalers, experts said. The research conducted by a team at Leicester University, the largest of its kind in severe asthma, found the treatment could reduce severe asthma attacks, A&E visits and admissions to hospital by 50 per cent compared with a dummy drug. It is potentially an important advance because it seems to be a safe and effective treatment option for patients with eosinophilic asthma that is associated with frequent flare-ups,

c- Breathe Atomizer-

The EZ Breathe Atomizer was designed to use anywhere/ anytime- at home or on the go to deliver breathable mist in seconds. It sprays liquid medication in aerosol form into the air that a person will breath.NOTE-Please consult your physician regarding use of the EZ Breathe Atomizer with prescription medications.

C- ‘911’ CARE- MEDICAL ID/ALERT DEVICES– -GO HIGH TECH!—–Some aren’t just bracelets or necklaces now-or they come in charm bracelets, invisible bracelets- (key fob and wallet card). sleek mesh, silver, and gold bracelets, sports and children version (see sample below) and pendants, dog tag, watches, key chains, health passports, Medical ID wallet cards, and new ones that fit on your shoelaces and also flash drives-(electronic medical record);

– for COMPLETE list of MEDICAL ID’s and 911 alert devices go http://www.healinghopeteam’ click on ‘911’ devices icon or go to 911 devices (under site features).
Asthma Kids Medical ID Tag with Sun and Clouds Sport Strap Bracelet Adjustable 4 – 8 Inches – Item AA1355 – Engravable. $14.95


1. MY IHR service—My Interactive Health Record Service-account accessible to emergency responders –to access medical history/info- ID necklace/bracelet contains on line record—(engraved with user name and pin #–acccess patient info via phone #, or website).
2. USB IDs- The USB is a necklace that has a USB device and a pre loaded program
Easy to use.– simply plug into your computer, enter your password and entering your info -If someone plugs it into their computer they can see the information you’ve saved into the file.3. HOME MEDICAL ALERT INTERACTIVE SYSTEM-, device to call for help when you are unable to, when seconds count.4. ICE—-don’t forget to list your emergency contacts on your phone. Medical professionals are trained to look for ICE (in case of emergency) in your phone’s contact or address book. List medications and important medical information like allergies and conditions here, too.5. UPCOMING-GPS/ ONE CALL ALERT- tracking system for travel; monitors your location and alerts medical responders-to launch later this year!

COOL ASTHMA GADGETS- -You can get a program that plots a graph of your peak flow on your iFone

There is a thing called an inhaler mate which holds your inhaler and has a little counter on it so you can keep track of puff

You can get a thing called a doser that keeps track of the doses you use on a MDI inhaler

You can buy a case for your inhaler called an APOD

You can get a glow in the dark cap for your MDI inhaler at

Medgadget –Respira!: DIY Spacers for Asthma Attacks- by Gene Ostrovsky on Aug 22, 2007 • 10:29 am = Stanford University’s Design School along with the School of Medicine tackled a simple problem that is costing a lot of rural Mexican asthmatics a lot of time. The issue is a lack of “spacers”, simple devices that create an air chamber in front of the mouth into which the inhaler discharges its medicine, and then the patient can easily breathe it in.

Inhalers are used in combination with a device commonly called a “spacer.” A spacer is a chamber that attaches to an inhaler, captures the discharged medication and holds it until the patient inhales it. In spite of their effectiveness, these devices are unavailable in Mexican Health Centers due to their cost (~ $50 plus distribution). Using paper and a precise system of cuts and folds, we have designed a spacer that can be produced for approximately 25 cents, a cost reduction of more than 99%. Furthermore, the device can be distributed as a flat sheet to be folded into a usable form on-site, so hundreds can be sent for the cost of a stamp.

SPECIAL THANKS to AMY WAX for her research help and supportJ X0, and to ALAN T. BROWN for his assistance, and to all who have been there for me, friends, family, physicians, and supporters.

clinically proven; as featured on CBS, ABC, CNN; Reverse aging inside and out;
Turn back the oxidative stress of cell to that of a twenty year old– Prime time live report
See more details regarding -Anti-aging, reduction of oxidative stress, optimal health -PROTAMDIN –


Dr. David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM, and a member of the LifeVantage Scientific Advisory Board, is a Board-Certified Neurologist and Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine.
He is the author of the bestselling books,” The Better Brain Book” and “Raise a Smarter Child By Kindergarten” and is recognized internationally as a leader in the field of nutritional influences in neurological disorders. Dr. Perlmutter lectured at symposia sponsored by Columbia University and Harvard University and has been interviewed on many nationally-syndicated radio and television programs including 20/20, Larry King Live, CNN, Fox News, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, Oprah, Oprah and Friends, Oprah Radio with Dr. Oz, and The CBS Early Show. He has been honored for his pioneering work in innovative approaches to neurological disorders, for his work in advancing the understanding of free radical biochemistry in neurological diseases and earlier this year presented at the first International Congress on Alzheimer’s Disease and Advanced Neurotechnologies in the Principality of Monaco.
Dr. David Perlmutter is also currently featured on page 119 of the June/July issue of “Esquire” magazine talking about four steps to a healthier brain. Here is what he has said about the importance of taking Protandim: “Protandim goes well beyond any currently available nutritional supplement by actually turning on the genes that control the production of antioxidants. While the general public may not be familiar with glutathione, catalase or superoxide dismutase (SOD), these are among the most important antioxidants in human physiology. And it is precisely these antioxidants that are significantly increased by this truly revolutionary supplement.”
As a customer of LifeVantage, you know what he is talking about. We just wanted to remind you of the healthy choice you make each day when you make Protandim a part of your health routine.

a scientist’s perspective on why he takes protandim.

“My personal ‘take’ on Protandim, and I take it every day so I do think about it every day, is that I like to think of Protandim as playing a key role in cellular fitness. I jog, and similar to the way exercise contributes to physical fitness, Protandim…contributes to overall cellular fitness. For me, that means that when I’m approached by oxidative stress insults, I’m doing what I can to make myself and my body as prepared as it can be to withstand those insults.” (Dr. Brooks Hybertson, Ph.D., LifeVantage Scientific Advisory Board)
Dr. Hybertson has an extensive background in scientific research and development, and has been the principal investigator on a variety of research pertaining to nutrition, oxidant/antioxidant balance, inflammation, cancer, materials science, and drug delivery with support from the National Institutes of Health, the American Lung Association, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation, the American Heart Association and the Department of Energy. He has extensive experience in laboratory research, product development, and customer support and has authored or co-authored over 50 scientific publications.
“Thoughtful consumers are drawn to Protandim,” Dr. Hybertson explained. “People should have the right tools in hand to meet their health and wellness objectives and Protandim is one of those tools.”
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Love is the best medicine

By Tamara Joy Patterson June 12, 2012 Reprinted here with permission from
ANewsCafe – Humans have one important need from the day we burst…

Scientific American Aug 2012 ~ higher level healing has arrived!
The Science of Kundalini Awakening: Towards a New Era of Enlightened Healing

“The first thing that should be done to bring about a harmonious development of h…

The Easiest Way to Live Longer

The Easiest Way To Live Longer-
By Lisa Collier Cool
Sep 11, 2012

Did you know that every minute you walk can extend your life by 1.5 to 2 minutes? In addition, many studies show that people who walk regularly live longer, weigh less, have lower blood pressure, and enjoy better overall health than non-walkers.
Ready to lace on your shoes? If you want to add to the amount of walking you do, just clip on a pedometer. That simple action actually increases your physical activity by over 2100 steps per day, a reviewthat pooled data from 26 studies found.
Here’s a look at ten benefits of walking.
Walking Increases Your Lifespan
Walking more than an hour a day improves life expectancy significantly, a 2011 study showed. The researchers looked at 27,738 participants between the ages of 40 and 79 over a 13-year period. Surprisingly, their lifetime medical costs did not increase—even though they lived longer.
“An increase in walking time at the population level would bring about a tremendous change in people’s health and medical cost,” the study authors wrote.
Walking Wards Off Diabetes
Just thirty minutes of walking a day can prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, a 2002 study looking at both overweight and average weight men and women in a population at high risk for the disease showed.
If you already have diabetes, walking is helpful for you, too. A mile or more daily cuts your risk of death from all causes in half, according to a 2007 study.
Walking Keeps Your Mind Sharp
Walking 72 blocks a week (around six to nine miles) helps increase grey matter, which in turn lowers the risk of suffering from cognitive impairment—or trouble with concentration, memory and thought, according to a study which looked at 299 seniors over a nine-year period.
Furthermore, walking five miles per week can provide some protection to the memory and learning areas of the brains of those already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment, and lead to a slower decline in memory loss.
Common Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease
Walking Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Walking just 30 minutes a day, three to five days a week—even when the 30 minutes are broken into three ten-minute increments—has been found to significantly lower blood pressure.
Walking is Great for Bone Health
Putting one foot in front of the other for about a mile a day led to improved bone density in post-menopausal women, and slowed the rate of bone loss from the legs, according to a 1994 study. “It takes walkers four to seven years longer to reach the point of very low bone density, study leader Dr. Krall told the New York Times.
Walking Cuts the Risk of Stroke
Walking about 12.5 miles a week or more cut the risk of stroke in half, according to a studylooking at over 11,000 Harvard University alumni with an average age of 58.
Walking Improves Your Mood
If you’re feeling down in the dumps, walking is a quick and easy solution. Just thirty minutes on a treadmill reduces feelings of tension and depression, according to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. In fact, the study found that walking lifted moods more quickly than anti-depressants did (and with fewer side effects).
And the more people walk, the better their mood and energy, says California State University Long Beach professor Robert Thayer, based on a studylooking at 37 study participants over a 20-day period.
Walking Torches Calories
Just 20 minutes of walking a day will burn 7 pounds a year. The effects are even more dramatic when you add in some dietary changes as well.
23 Diet Plans Reviewed: Do They Work?
Walking Improves Insomnia
Having trouble sleeping at night? Try taking a brisk 45-minute walk in the morning five days a week, and your sleep may improve significantly, according to research from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which looked at women from the age of 50-74. (Walking in the evening, however, sometimes has the opposite effect—so keep an eye on when you’re exercising and what your sleep patterns are.)
Walking is Good for the Heart
Women who took brisk walks for three or more hours per week reduced their risk of heart disease by 30-40 percent, according to an analysis of over 72,000 women aged 40-65, who were enrolled in the prospective Nurses’ Health Study. As I reported recently, heart attacks kill more US women than men annually. However, the benefits of walking aren’t limited to one gender. A different study showed that walking can cut the risk of coronary heart disease in half for men between the ages of 71 and 93.
Exercise and Fitness in the First Trimester

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Definitive reference that covers the past twenty years of progress in the new field of prevention, anti-aging, functional medicine, nutritional science, and regenerative biomedical technologies.


July 3, 2013


• Vitamins May Curb the Onset of
Alzheimer’s Disease

• Diabetes Drug Tackles Neurodegenerative

• Lab-Grown Brain Cells Hold Promise to
Treat Neurological Conditions

• Joint Health Supplements May Guard
Against Colorectal Cancer

• Sunscreen Prevents Skin Aging

• Anti-Aging Research Updates:
Science Literature



• A4M Symposium

• A4M China Congress

• Publishing Announcement

• Join the A4M Today


Dietary Supplementation –
Your Vitamins May Be Doing More Harm Than Good – How to Check

Functional Foods & Beverages –
The amazing health benefits of kombucha

Diet –
8 Nutrients Every Person Needs To Boost Health

Thyroid –
6 Thyroid Conditions That Won’t Show Up On Tests


Alzheimer’s Disease
Vitamins May Curb the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

High-dose B vitamins help to prevent shrinkage of a specific region of the brain associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. » Read the full story

Diabetes Drug Tackles Neurodegenerative Diseases

A drug that controls type-2 diabetes may help to repair spinal cords affected by inherited neurodegenerative disease, in a mouse model. » Read the full story

Lab-Grown Brain Cells Hold Promise to Treat Neurological Conditions

Researchers successfully grow a key type of human brain cell in the laboratory, and successfully transplant it for further maturation in the brains of mice. » Read the full story

Joint Health Supplements May Guard Against Colorectal Cancer

Glucosamine and chondroitin may help to lower a person’s risk of colorectal cancer. » Read the full story

Sunscreen Prevents Skin Aging

Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily helps to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. » Read the full story


Atrx deficiency induces telomere dysfunction, endocrine defects, and reduced life span.

Watson LA, Solomon LA, Li JR, Jiang Y, Edwards M, Shin-Ya K, Beier F, Bérubé NG. J Clin Invest. 2013 May 1;123(5):2049-63.

Medial ganglionic eminence-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells correct learning and memory deficits.

Liu Y, Weick JP, Liu H, Krencik R, Zhang X, Ma L, Zhou GM, Ayala M, Zhang SC. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 May;31(5):440-7.

Hypothalamic programming of systemic ageing involving IKK-[beta], NF-[kappa]B and GnRH.

Zhang G, Li J, Purkayastha S, Tang Y, Zhang H, Yin Y, Li B, Liu G, Cai D. Nature. 2013 May 9;497(7448):211-6.

Betatrophin: A Hormone that Controls Pancreatic [beta] Cell Proliferation.

Yi P, Park JS, Melton DA. Cell. 2013 May 9;153(4):747-58.

Withania somnifera root extract extends lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans.

R Kumar, K Gupta, K Saharia, D Pradhan, JR Subramaniam. Annals of Neuroscience, Vol 20, No 1 (2013).


Gut, Brain & Autoimmune Disorders: The Role of Food Symposium

August 16–17, 2013. Los Angeles, CA USA

Back by popular demand! A4M presents Gut, Brain & Autoimmune Disorders: The Role of Food Symposium in Los Angeles.


A4M China Congress

The 8th A4MC World Anti-Aging Medicine Congress & Regenerative Bio -Medicine Technologies Expo / The 2nd Annual Asia-Pacific Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine Congress takes place Oct. 25–27, 2013 in Beijing.



Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies

World’s most comprehensive textbook on the subject of anti-aging and regenerative medicine, published by the leading educational organization in the field, the A4M. Definitive reference that covers the past twenty years of progress in the new field of prevention, anti-aging, functional medicine, nutritional science, and regenerative biomedical technologies.

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) publishes Longevity Magazine®. A unique feature of The World Health Network,, the A4M’s educational website. Longevity Magazine® e-Journal is an electronic publication that provides timely and informative news relating to wellness, prevention, and biotech advancements in longevity. Our mascot is the Galapagos tortoise (Geochelone nigra). A gentle giant that measures six feet head-to-toe and subsists on plants, the Galapagos tortoise boasts the longest animal lifespan, averaging at 150 years and a maximum lifespan of 300 years.

HOME | HEALTH HEADLINES | FIND A DOCTOR | Forum | Podcasts | About Us


For information on future A4M Events, please visit


Definitive reference that covers the past twenty years of progress in the new field of prevention, anti-aging, functional medicine, nutritional science, and regenerative biomedical technologies.


July 3, 2013


• Vitamins May Curb the Onset of
Alzheimer’s Disease

• Diabetes Drug Tackles Neurodegenerative

• Lab-Grown Brain Cells Hold Promise to
Treat Neurological Conditions

• Joint Health Supplements May Guard
Against Colorectal Cancer

• Sunscreen Prevents Skin Aging

• Anti-Aging Research Updates:
Science Literature



• A4M Symposium

• A4M China Congress

• Publishing Announcement

• Join the A4M Today


Dietary Supplementation –
Your Vitamins May Be Doing More Harm Than Good – How to Check

Functional Foods & Beverages –
The amazing health benefits of kombucha

Diet –
8 Nutrients Every Person Needs To Boost Health

Thyroid –
6 Thyroid Conditions That Won’t Show Up On Tests


Alzheimer’s Disease
Vitamins May Curb the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

High-dose B vitamins help to prevent shrinkage of a specific region of the brain associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. » Read the full story

Diabetes Drug Tackles Neurodegenerative Diseases

A drug that controls type-2 diabetes may help to repair spinal cords affected by inherited neurodegenerative disease, in a mouse model. » Read the full story

Lab-Grown Brain Cells Hold Promise to Treat Neurological Conditions

Researchers successfully grow a key type of human brain cell in the laboratory, and successfully transplant it for further maturation in the brains of mice. » Read the full story

Joint Health Supplements May Guard Against Colorectal Cancer

Glucosamine and chondroitin may help to lower a person’s risk of colorectal cancer. » Read the full story

Sunscreen Prevents Skin Aging

Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily helps to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. » Read the full story


Atrx deficiency induces telomere dysfunction, endocrine defects, and reduced life span.

Watson LA, Solomon LA, Li JR, Jiang Y, Edwards M, Shin-Ya K, Beier F, Bérubé NG. J Clin Invest. 2013 May 1;123(5):2049-63.

Medial ganglionic eminence-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells correct learning and memory deficits.

Liu Y, Weick JP, Liu H, Krencik R, Zhang X, Ma L, Zhou GM, Ayala M, Zhang SC. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 May;31(5):440-7.

Hypothalamic programming of systemic ageing involving IKK-[beta], NF-[kappa]B and GnRH.

Zhang G, Li J, Purkayastha S, Tang Y, Zhang H, Yin Y, Li B, Liu G, Cai D. Nature. 2013 May 9;497(7448):211-6.

Betatrophin: A Hormone that Controls Pancreatic [beta] Cell Proliferation.

Yi P, Park JS, Melton DA. Cell. 2013 May 9;153(4):747-58.

Withania somnifera root extract extends lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans.

R Kumar, K Gupta, K Saharia, D Pradhan, JR Subramaniam. Annals of Neuroscience, Vol 20, No 1 (2013).


Gut, Brain & Autoimmune Disorders: The Role of Food Symposium

August 16–17, 2013. Los Angeles, CA USA

Back by popular demand! A4M presents Gut, Brain & Autoimmune Disorders: The Role of Food Symposium in Los Angeles.


A4M China Congress

The 8th A4MC World Anti-Aging Medicine Congress & Regenerative Bio -Medicine Technologies Expo / The 2nd Annual Asia-Pacific Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine Congress takes place Oct. 25–27, 2013 in Beijing.



Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies

World’s most comprehensive textbook on the subject of anti-aging and regenerative medicine, published by the leading educational organization in the field, the A4M. Definitive reference that covers the past twenty years of progress in the new field of prevention, anti-aging, functional medicine, nutritional science, and regenerative biomedical technologies.

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) publishes Longevity Magazine®. A unique feature of The World Health Network,, the A4M’s educational website. Longevity Magazine® e-Journal is an electronic publication that provides timely and informative news relating to wellness, prevention, and biotech advancements in longevity. Our mascot is the Galapagos tortoise (Geochelone nigra). A gentle giant that measures six feet head-to-toe and subsists on plants, the Galapagos tortoise boasts the longest animal lifespan, averaging at 150 years and a maximum lifespan of 300 years.


7-8 pm-for energy/health/anti-aging with DR WUDNI-health cocktail, natural FLU SHOT, VIT B 12, and anti-aging secrets-and tools to ‘LOOK and feel half your age’, for information and to RSVP please contact –, FOUNDER-HEALING HOPE TEAM, please join to send/receive healing and health news and support,

Top 10 Israeli medical advances to watch in 2014

Some of the TOP 10 advances to watch for:
NeuroQuest’s blood test to detect early-stage Alzheimer’s disease that is 87 percent accurate with an 85% specificity rate in detecting Alzheimer’s and ALS;
SomnuSeal –a more comfortable mask for sleep apnea that does not put strain on the heart;
RUTH-a radiation-free, contact-free, inexpensive and advanced imaging system for early detection of breast cancer;
Two promising slow-release platforms for drugs to treat MS symptoms and pain;
CartiHeal –a cartilage regeneration solution for knees that can regenerate true hyaline cartilage;
Virus-traps (“vecoys”) -that capture and destroy viruses before they can infect cells;
Na-Nose that can detect lung cancer from exhaled breath