These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


New Cholesterol Drug PCSK9 is Likely to Prematurely Kill You

Raises Coronary Plaque 52%, While Claiming to Be “Good” for Your Heart
It’s a major medical fad that can lead to nearly all the same problems it promises to prevent… in addition to dementia, cancer, suicide, and more. If that isn’t bad enough, it wrecks your fitness levels – even if you work out. Do you make this mistake? Likely to Prematurely Kill You-


A watch that stops unnecessary heart attack deaths
Oxitone watch GE is banking on Oxitone wrist monitor to provide a heads-up for someone to get medical assistance before it’s too late.

Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote:

Having high blood pressure can be dangerous if uncontrolled. However, being dependent on prescription drugs can also be dangerous. Check out my article for natural ways to help achieve healthy blood pressure levels without the use of drugs:
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL: The Sum of All Cholesterol in your blood, The Higher your Total Cholesterol, the greater your risk for heart disease.

*Less than 200 mg/dL-‘Desirable’ Level puts you at lower risk for heart disease.

*200-239 mg/dL- ‘Borderline High’

*240 mg/dL and above-“HIGH’ Blood Cholesterol-. If you are at this level you are more than twice the risk of heart disease.

HDL CHOLESTEROL: (High Density Lipoproteins) The Good Chosterol, it carries cholesterol in the blood from other parts of the body back to the liver, which leads to removal from the body. It keep cholesterol from building up in the walls of the arteries.

INFORMATIONAL, ;; (National Heart & Lung Blood Institute);

Glycemic Index:;

Your personalized information for PREVENTION!!

Dr Braun believes in Prevention Through Education-

Dr. Braun Recommends—

NOTE—-GENERAL GUIDELINES (individualized amounts to be determined per consultation with Dr)

-Anti-Oxidant Multi Vitamins 1 daily Life Extension or Solgar V2000

**Should include Resveratrol (Grape Seed Extract)**

-Omega 3 Fatty Acids-Mercery Free Fish Oil___mg 2 x’s Daily

-Co Enzyme Q 10-50 mg daily-100 mg daily

-Vit D

-Low Carb DietExp;

-ASA-_____81 mg____325 mg

-Red Yeast Rice____mg twice/day

-Green Drink (phytonutrients)

1-Learn Your Numbers & Risk Factors

Risk Factors

*Blood Pressure—120/130/Below 8.5mmHg

*Cholesterol:LDL Below 100 mg/Dl For Non-Diabetes Pts; Below 70 mg mg/dl for Diabetes Pts.

*Triglycerides: Below 150 for diabetics/Below 200 for all

*Diabetes: Fasting Blood Sugar below 110mg/dl HgAiC Below 6.5%

Do you have any risk factors? Are they controlled?

Modifiable Risk Factors Check List:

-Blood Pressure


-Blood Sugar/Diabetes


-Obesity (BMI>30)

-Metabolic Syndrome (HTN+decreased HDL+ABD Obesity)

-Sedentary Lifestyle

-Addominal Waist size >35 for Women, > 40 for Men

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors:


-Family History

The Cholesterol Myths that May be Harming Your Health Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. The Cholesterol Myths that May be Harming Your Health

Reference-HeatlhwoRx- Micheal Braun, M.D., F.A.C.C. Board Cerified in Cardiovascular Disease, Preventative Cardiology,

Diplomat of the Board of Internal Medicine, F.I.C.C. dba Healthworx*

Cardiovascular & Anti-aging Benefits-Multivitamin–Mediterranean Formula from Life
The Mediterranean diet is for lowering cardiovascular risk,and increasing lifespan.Red wine extract,(resveratrol)has also shown possible
cardiovascular and anti-aging benefits and (Time Magazine 2007); as has Pomegranates. to take the free Mount Sinai Heart Health Profiler to learn your heart age and your 10-year risk for developing cardiovascular disease. It takes less than five minutes to complete the questionnaire, and the results may save your life.

The Secret Way To Stop Heart Disease –
The Secret Way To Stop Heart Disease
A common chemical is tampering with the tickers of even healthy people, a new study finds.
By Leah Zerbe,

Vitamin C Helps to Regulate Blood Pressure-
Posted on 2012-04-25 06:00:01 in Blood Pressure | Dietary Supplementation | Vitamins |
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, with more than 1 billion people worldwide suffering from the condition. Stephen P Juraschek, from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Maryland, USA), and colleagues completed a meta-analysis of 29 clinical trials, in which the median dose of vitamin C supplementation was 500 mg per day for a median duration of eight weeks. Across study subjects, the researchers found that vitamin C supplementation reduced systolic blood pressure by 3.84 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.48 mm Hg. Further, when the team looked at hypertensive patients only, vitamin C supplementation exerted and even greater benefit – reducing systolic pressure by 4.85 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 1.67 mm Hg. cap the study authors conclude that: “In short-term trials, vitamin C supplementation reduced [systolic blood pressure] and [diastolic blood pressure].

Cardio-Vascular –Cocoa Flavanol Lowers Blood Pressure
New findings show that eating a small amount of flavanol-rich cocoa products each day can help to significantly lower blood pressure.

Sports Promote Smarts

Four months of a high-intensity interval training program dramatically increased cognitive performance, among middle-aged people with increased cardiovascular risk.
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Freshwater Creature’s Immortality & Secrets of Human Aging

German researchers uncover how the Hydra, a freshwater organism, appears to avoid showing signs of aging, with potential insights into the mechanisms of human aging.
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Water Workouts Exert Less Joint Wear & Tear

Exercising on watercycling machines helps people who have joint problems such as arthritis, or are overweight, to participate in aerobic activity.
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Women’s Health
Curcumin May Benefit Heart Health to Same Extent as Exercise

Daily supplements of curcumin, the spice compound that gives curry its yellow color and pungent flavor, may match exercise, in relation to cardiovascular health benefits among postmenopausal women.
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Physical Activity Promotes Cognitive Health

Older people who are living independently but have signs of cerebral damage may lower their risk of having progressive cognitive impairment or dementia if they remain physically active.
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Paradigm Shift: A4M and the Anti-Aging Revolution
2012 marks the 20-year anniversary of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. The new feature-length film titled “Paradigm Shift: A4M and the Anti-Aging Revolution” presents how the anti-aging revolution is working to shift the focus of western medicine from disease to prevention and how this paradigm shift will help people live healthier, longer.
Video Trailer
Fellowship in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Functional Medicine

January 24-26, 2013. Phoenix, AZ USA.
Module I(B) focuses on advanced hormonal prescribing and difficult hormonal therapy cases. Therapies for women’s health concerns, sexual health, thyroid dysfunctions, as well as diagnostic testing.
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Encyclopedia of Clinical Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies

World’s most comprehensive textbook on the subject of anti-aging and regenerative medicine, published by the leading educational organization in the field, the A4M. Definitive reference that covers the past twenty years of progress in the new field of prevention, anti-aging, functional medicine, nutritional science, and regenerative biomedical technologies.

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Educate – Empower – Excite. The A4M’s Consumer eMembership
encourages you to expand your knowledge of ways to enhance and improve your years of productivity and vitality.
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Physicians and health practitioners
are invited to join as Individual Professional members. Features exclusive tools to help your practice reach its full potential, such as Directory Listing, Conference Discounts, and access to affiliated practice management programs.
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The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) publishes Longevity Magazine®. A unique feature of The World Health Network,, the A4M’s educational website. Longevity Magazine® e-Journal is an electronic publication that provides timely and informative news relating to wellness, prevention, and biotech advancements in longevity. Our mascot is the Galapagos tortoise (Geochelone nigra). A gentle giant that measures six feet head-to-toe and subsists on plants, the Galapagos tortoise boasts the longest animal lifespan, averaging at 150 years and a maximum lifespan of 300 years.
Established in 1992 and comprised of 26,000 member physicians, health practitioners, and scientists representing 120 nations worldwide, The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Inc. (A4M) is a non-profit medical organization dedicated to the advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat aging related disease and to promote research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process. A4M is also dedicated to educating physicians, scientists, and members of the public on anti-aging issues. A4M believes that the disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases are ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human lifespan can be increased, and the quality of one’s life improved as one grows chronologically older. A4M seeks to disseminate information concerning innovative science and research as well as treatment modalities designed to prolong the human lifespan. Although A4M seeks to disseminat e information on many types of medical treatments, it does not promote or endorse any specific treatment nor does it sell or endorse any commercial product .