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As per Dr Paletta, ‘Half of the people that died last year from cardiovascular issues had a cholesterol level of 130 , The major thing to do is WASH your LIVER—

The minor thing to do is eat PRL’s CardioBars
Most people clean their vacuum bags more often than their LIVER -It has so much WASTE shuttled through it daily…it is amazing it functions at all.

  1. Soften your Gall Bladder with GB NANO – 2 to 3 months “ sip and swirl” is best to create a Loading dose – Vmax and then therapy
  2. When you arrive on the tail end of the softening…bring in a BOATLOAD of Gall Bladder COMPLEX to dilate all the plumbing associated to the GB and LIVER to ensure passage
    of all the goodies into the colon.
  3. Do three “ MINI Liver GB flushes “ to one Master LIVER GB Flush  – coupled with ( 2 ) a week for ( 16 ) weeks of Coffee enemas

This will start you down the road to your request

What you really should be asking what can help your INFLAMMATORY MARKERS of your CARDIOVASCULAR Tree ?
Homocystiene and CRP- Reactive protein markers –