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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
ZeroPoint Red NaturaLaser Pointer
ZeroPoint Red NaturaLaser PointerThe Red Naturalaser Pointer has been energized and programmed with 60 essential Blueprint frequencies, primarily for the muscular system and more
Read more...Tony O’Donnell
Irish-born Tony O’Donnell, CNC., the Herb Doc seen on ABC and CNN News, is a naturopath who was inspired by his father’s untimely death from heart disease to devote his life to helping others lead healthier lives. Founder and president
Read more...National Healers
Keith MoreyIn my own journey to good health, I realized that in most cases the doctors were addressing the symptoms but not the cause. They were addressing the flu, a cold, cancer, or the overweight problem by prescribing pills, medications
Read more...International Healers
Dr. Woo Chul Moon-Korea read more