MRI Scan & Imaging Centers

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dr. Robert Kagan, M.D.

Medical Director and Founder

MRI scans for EARLY DETECTION is key; if we discover, that we are predisposed toward developing an illness or disease

Dr. Kagan is a nationally known medical imaging expert and speaker. He has consistently introduced cutting edge medical technology to Florida physicians and their patients for over 3 decades. He is Board Certified in both Pathology & Nuclear Medicine. In 1984, Dr. Kagan proudly opened the first FDA approved free standing MRI in Florida. In the 1990’s, he provided the first outpatient installation of research-grade high field MRI scanners. Now, continuing that tradition, he brings to South Florida the modern generations of advanced MRI, PET, CT and Ultrasound Technology available!

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