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Cutting edge stem cell advances

Stem Cell applications for Parkinsons Disease—also view video; , Please contact Cindy Miropol, O.T.R. Founder Healing Hope Team for further information on Stem Cell treatment for Parkinson Disease ; (*and some additional applications including- COPD, Macular Degeneration; Arthritis/Orthopedic, Diabetes- Type 2),

Stem Cells and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disease which affects about one million Americans over the age of 60. It occurs after the gradual loss of certain nerve cells which are located in the Substantia Nigra part of the brain. The main purpose of these cells, called dopaminergic neurons, is the natural production of dopamine. Lack of this chemical (dopamine) causes difficulties with movement, the maintenance of upright posture, writing and even speech.

Research has been going on to establish what exactly causes this disease. Parkinson’s disease stem cell research has provided some interesting and hopeful results. Though all scientists involved in the stem cells Parkinson research agree that there is need of further research about this disease. The existing information about these new treatments is not sufficient for the development of a standardized therapy

These clinical trials placed emphasis on several issues which need to be resolved through intensive research. Among these issues is the production of large amounts of uniform and pure cells to be transplanted in to the patients. The findings from modern Parkinson’s stem cell research have highlighted further concerns about the therapies of cell transplantation.

The greatest importance of stem cell Parkinson’s research is the contribution to the discovery of new drugs which could have better impact than the cell therapies. An example is “reprogramming” in which the cells of an adult can be reprogrammed so as to make Pluripotent Stem (PSC) cells which can make all the types of cells in the human body (including dopaminergic neurons). The manufactured cells can then be used to replace those which have died after attack by Parkinson’s disease.


The Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disease which results when the dopaminergic neurons which produce dopamine die in large numbers. The disease has various symptoms and there is no clearly defined method of testing it. Diagnosis of the disease thereby involves observation of the patient’s symptoms. Many of the symptoms of this disease are often confused with the simple effects of ageing.

The rate at which symptoms develops varies from one person to another. In some people it might take as long as 20 years before the symptoms present themselves, while in others the onset of symptoms is much quicker. Scientists and other researchers have subdivided the development of this disease in to five stages which are now common referred to as the Parkinson disease stages. It takes some time before the transition of the disease from one stage to the next. In some stages there may be skipping of the Parkinson stages whereby the symptoms which are mild at the early stages may suddenly double or triple causing the patient to be physically disabled or bed ridden.

The stages of Parkinson disease include:

STAGE ONE: This is the initial stage of the disease and the PD patient experiences occasional and rare symptoms. The patient will find it hard and challenged to discharge the day to day activities which would otherwise (in good health) be very easy to undertake. The symptoms include tremors and shaking in any of the limbs. Close observation of PD patient when the disease is at stage one will show loss of balance, poor posture and abnormal expressions of the face.

STAGE TWO: At this stage the PD symptoms turn out to be bilateral and they can now be experienced in all the limbs and both sides of the body. The patient will show and experience walking problems and difficulties in maintaining balance. The patient will now be unable to complete simple tasks because of physical body inability and loss of memory.

STAGE THREE: In this stage, severe symptoms begin to set in and the patient will now be unable to stand or walk straight. The patient may manifest chronic depression and loss of body mass and weight. The PD patient will show serious memory loss, as well as lack of coordination.

STAGE FOUR: The symptoms of this stage are severe. Some patients may still be able to walk (with difficulties), but they will show rigidity, stiffness and numbness of the limbs. At this stage, the patients cannot perform any work and they have to be looked after. For unknown reasons the trembling and shaking which is prevalent at the earlier Parkinson disease stages may be reduced.

STAGE FIVE: This is the final stage of the PD development and at this stage the patient becomes totally immobile. Most patients cannot walk, stand or take care of themselves. Others may even not be able to talk. The patient at this stage has to but put on 24/7 care.


Parkinson disease is a long-term disease which affects the brain of a person. The person suffering from the disease experiences difficulty in coordinating voluntary muscle activities in the body; functions like walking, eating and speaking become a hassle for these peoples. Parkinson can be caused by other diseases apart from the disease itself or from medication; such types of the disease are called secondary Parkinsonisms. The disease comes about as a result of the brain cells necessary for making dopamine being destroyed over time. The dopamine is responsible for communication between the brain and the muscles. When it is not available, the body loses functional control of the muscles.

There are many signs for the onset of the disease. At the initial stages, the signs of Parkinson materialize gradually. The people may start by feeling weak, slowing down in speech delivery and getting tired easily. The people’s handwriting may also change. The early signs of Parkinson’s may also point out to some other diseases or disorders like stress. When people notice them, it is important that they go to a physician to get checked. Most people usually ignore these signs and assume that they are simply growing older.

The signs of Parkinson disease gradually get worse with time; the person is unable to perform most of the functions that they used to do. Specific Parkinson symptoms include leg tremors, stiffness in the body, uncontrollable shaking, difficulty in walking through doors and difficulty in lifting the legs. Tremors will occur at first on the hands and feet. As the disease progresses, these early signs of Parkinson spread to other parts of the body including to the limbs, neck and head. The tremors can also be associated with many other diseases. But in the case of the Parkinson’s, the tremors stop when people move voluntarily.

Another sign of Parkinsonism is rigidity in the muscles. It is normally not easy for people to notice that they are becoming rigid until someone else points it out to them. Poor coordination and balance is one of the early signs of Parkinson disease. People may find themselves not able to coordinate their hand eye activity and may also not be able to hold things as they used to. The people also may have difficulty in walking and need to hold on to stationary objects for stability.

A person may also have a problem with the range of movement, a problem with initiating a movement or controlling slow movements. The sufferer of the disease may walk with shuffling motions without being able to lift their legs. The people will also experience a burning sensation in the limbs, a feeling of restlessness even though they may be physically tired and a feeling of pain in the affected areas. Occasionally, the sufferer will experience numbness in their limbs.


Dementia is a medical term that refers not to one specific disease but to many symptoms which lead to a severe decline in the functioning of the normal brain cells. Dementia comes about as a result of degeneration of brain cells and loss of chemicals in the brain. This disease of the nervous system leads to a permanent state of loss of mental competency.

The symptoms of the disease are:

  • Memory loss: The sufferer easily forgets things – even the most basic issues.
  • The sufferer will suffer from language challenges: Since it is not easy for the person to remember the names of places things and objects, the peoples cannot easily construct even the simplest sentences.
  • The people will experience difficulty in performing daily tasks that most people take for granted. The sufferers are not able to perform tasks like polishing shoes, cooking, eating, and combing hair and other basic activities.
  • The sufferers will be constantly distracted and will not be able to focus on doing anything.
  • The people’s ability to complete tasks will make them change their personality and they become very different people.
  • The sufferers will also be disoriented and withdrawn. They will not be able to focus clearly on anything or make decent conversation and this will make them withdrawn. The people also forget basic things like their way home.
  • Parkinson’s disease is a disease of the nervous system that affects the motor functions of a person through the degeneration of neural cells which control these functions. Though very few patients with Parkinson’s will develop Parkinson’s dementia – the figure is less than 20%. Usually there is lag phase of between 10 and 15 years before Parkinson’s patients are afflicted with dementia.

    It is strongly believed that the dementia for people with Parkinson’s disease is caused by other agents than the Parkinson disease itself. The dementia might be caused by other factors like an underactive thyroid gland or a deficiency in vitamin B. These symptoms may also be brought about by depression which is very common for sufferers of Parkinson’s disease and has symptoms commonly confused with dementia. A person with this nervous system disease who is advanced in age may also suffer from Alzheimer’s dementia; this type of dementia is very severe and may lead to death. It is difficult to ascertain the cause of dementia in people with Parkinson’s disease. A consultation with a neurologist will help allay any fears and will also start patients on proper medications if appropriate.


    Parkinson disease is a disease of the brain that is characterized by a lack of coordination in the motor activities between the brain and the muscles in the body. The sufferer experiences tremors and a lack of focus and coordination between the brain and the body muscle. For a long time the sufferers of the disease have not been able to get reprieve for their sufferings because there were no cures for Parkinson. Doctors could not treat the disease directly, but worked on each symptom. Often the treatments had many side-effects with some patients feeling weaker, disoriented and disillusioned.

    Today, however there are many new treatments that produce positive results. One of the therapies is stem cell transplantation. Parkinson’s disease usually affects the brain cells, especially the neuron-motor receptor cells. A stem cell is a transplant of a patient’s own stem cells to the affected part. When the cells are injected, they multiply by their millions and have the ability to replace the old worn out cells. This method has shown promise in alleviating some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The procedure is cost effective and is simple as compared to other treatments though it is not widely accepted.

    Another approach for treating Parkinson is Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic uses techniques that were used to treat a similar disease to Parkinson about 2000 years ago in India. Ayurvedic medicine approaches the disease using natural means. This approach for Parkinson disease involves the body mind and soul of the sufferer. A treatment consists of colonic cleansing, meditation, herbal remedies and massage therapy. The meditation helps the sufferer determine where the source of the disease is. The patient’s stomach is then cleansed using herbal remedies like ashwaganda. The rigidity and imbalance experienced by the sufferer is alleviated using herbal medicines as well. The Ayurvedic medicines take into consideration that the problem with the disease can also be from the mind and uses all the above techniques to alleviate the sufferer.

    Another approach includes “broad beans”. It has been researched and proved as help for Parkinson disease. A serving of broad beans together with the pods adds about 250mg of L-dopa into the body. The L-dopa is the chemical hormone that is used by the brain to produce dopamine. Taking the beans on a regular basis even when they are frozen is very useful in treating Parkinson’s disease.

    Parkinson disease is also aggravated by stress. When the person strives to be relaxed, they will significantly reduce symptoms of the disease.

    Still there are many parties claiming they have products that cure Parkinson’s disease. It is important that the person with the disease investigates such claims thoroughly before they are duped into parting with their money.


    Diagnosis for Parkinson disease can be difficult because the symptoms exhibited closely resembles those presented by other diseases. About 8%-36% of all positive diagnosis done by physicians for the disease are wrong and they usually turn out not to be Parkinson disease. The signs usually appear in some part of the body initially and spread to the other parts of the body with time. The most noticeable first symptom is a feeling of fatigue and general malaise. The person feels tired very easily and experiences periods of sleepiness during the day. The people will experience difficulty in writing and speaking, coordinating these activities may be a bother to them.

    People may also experience tremor and rigidity which are early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The tremor usually occurs when the person is at rest. The people may experience the tremor in the leg or on the hand and it usually stops when they do an activity. The tremors spread to other parts on one side of the body including the face and other parts of the body; the person may also experience internal tremors. When the tremors set in, what follows through is rigidity in the affected parts. The muscles in the body contract in jerk like motions and render the people unable to use the particular parts of the body.

    The person may also experience a general feeling of fatigue and lack of concentration. The sleeping disorders come about from the general need to go to urinate during the night or may result from difficulty in breathing when sleeping. Another early symptom of Parkinson that may be experienced is problem with balance and posture; they fall too often and may find themselves slouching too far forward when walking. Another early sign of Parkinson disease are problems related to gastrointestinal parts of the body. The face may become mask-lie with little expression. Patients may not be able to portray their emotions through their facial expressions because they have very limited control over them.

    During the initial stages of the disease, a person may also start speaking in a slurred voice; initially the person may mumble over words and speak in a soft voice. The people will also be more withdrawn and less social; this a personality change disorder. In the initial stages, the person may experience some feeling of vague paranoia and extreme fear which may be overlooked. A patient may also occasionally experience panic attacks and extreme nervousness for no apparent reason. A lack of a sense of smell is also experienced for people with Parkinson; the disease initially also kills the function of the brain to discern smells. Many people who are prone to the disease also gain a lot of weight during their midlife years — usually between 40 and 50.


    At present there are neither blood nor laboratory tests which have been developed for the diagnosis of the Parkinson Disease. To determine whether a patient is suffering from this condition, the doctors rely on the medical history, symptoms as well as some neurological system function tests. This essentially means that it is not easy to make positive diagnosis of the disease especially at its early stages of development. In most cases, the early symptoms of this disease are dismissed as ageing effects because it is characterized by memory loss, stiffness and numbness of body parts and joints and generally feeling unwell.

    To diagnose this disease, the physicians require observation of the patient for quite some time. They may request CT scans or an MRI so as to rule out the possibility of other diseases which present the same or similar symptoms. Early diagnosis of any diseases including Parkinson’s disease is the surest way of dealing with the problem before it has advanced. At the most advanced stages, even the treatable and curable diseases may not respond to treatment leading to death or if the treatment is available it is likely to be for long time and expensive.

    The Parkinson Disease Prognosis

    Parkinson disease prognosis refers to what to expect if you are diagnosed with this disease. It is usually very difficult for most people to be informed that they are suffering from medical condition for which there is no well-established method or procedure of treatment.

    Generally speaking, Parkinson Disease is not in itself a very fatal disease at the early stages but it may turn so at its advanced stages. The good news about the Parkinson’s disease prognosis is that your life expectancy is almost the same as that of the person who is not affected by the disease.

    Studies on how the disease occurs and develops tend to show that it can occasionally develop in young people. So everyone is generally at risk. At the advanced stages, the Parkinson disease can cause complications such as pneumonia, choking and involuntary falls which may cause death. Fortunately, there are various treatment options to counter the effects and symptoms of this disease.

    The disease can develop quickly in some people or gradually in others. In some people it can take as long as 20 years before it clearly manifests itself. In Parkinson’s prognosis, it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of action in which the disease is likely to take in an individual. The commonly used method of determining the progression of the symptoms of this disease is called the HOEHN and YAHR STAGING which sub divides Parkinson Disease development in to five stages as follows:

    Stage one: PD symptoms show on only one side of body.
    Stage two: Symptoms show on both sides of body but there is no balance impairment.
    Stage three: There is balance impairment combined with mild to moderate PD disease symptoms. The patient can walk, talk and stand without assistance.
    Stage four: At this stage, the patient suffers serious disability but can still walk and stand without assistance.
    Stage five: At this stage, the patient has to be bedridden all the time and has to be assisted in every activity.


    Parkinson’s disease is a disease that mainly affects the secretion of dopamine in the brain cells. The dopamine is a chemical secretion that aids in the communication of brain cells with parts of the body; this causes the sufferer to develop problems connected with voluntary muscle activity. The person is unable to perform basic functional activities like combing the hair. The motor systems usually get all the attention when it comes to the disease, but there are also other dopamine dependent activities that will be affected by the disease.

    Sleep deprivation and insomnia are common among the sufferers of the disease; more than 90% of the patients experience insomnia at some point in their disease duration. The people who experience insomnia have trouble getting to sleep and sustaining it. The insomnia which is a nervous disease syndrome also causes the sufferer not to feel refreshed when they wake up; most of them wake up very tired and weak. The insomnia for these people is caused by the urge to get up and go to urinate frequently, the stiffness and soreness also makes it difficult to sleep. Anxiety and the effects of medication also make sleep difficult. People with insomnia will most likely experience excessive daytime fatigue. A person may also find that they fall asleep without control.

    People may also experience sleep apnea. Sleep apnea refers to difficulty in breathing when the person is asleep. The sleep causes insomnia and the lack of oxygen flow to the brain will most likely aggravate the problem and impair activities. This affects more than 20% of the people with Parkinson’s. People with the disease may also have a disruption of normal REM or rapid eye movement sleep. REM is characterized by rapid eye movements where people may have very vivid dreams. Normally muscles are suppressed during REM sleep such that the person may not act out the dream. Due to Parkinson’s normal muscle suppression may be lacking. The dreamer may act out violent dream, such as trying to defend themselves from unknown assailants – and thus flailing about in the bed.

    Most people with the Parkinson disease also have mood problems — affecting almost all people with the disease during the course of its progress. Parkinson causes many problems in daily activity performance and in turn may affect the people around the patient and their family. The mood swings and anxiety attacks are normal for the sufferer. Both the patient and family must learn to cope.

    People with this disorder of the nervous system may also experience speech and thinking problems. The sufferer may experience problems with speech melody, articulation of words and speech volume. For most people this may seem like manner issues but they have a great impact when it comes to social interactions. Since dopamine is usually present in most areas of the brain that may require concentration and reasoning, the sufferer has many problems with reasoning and thinking when it is at lower levels due to the disease.


    Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the brain and part of the nervous system, leading to tremors as well as difficulty in coordination, walking and movement. In cases where the condition occurs to young individuals, it is mostly due to predisposing genetic factors. The condition is a result of reduction in the production of a brain chemical known as dopamine which is responsible for reduction in the contraction of muscles. This is mainly due to the damage of cells that produce the chemical.

    No medication is known for the cure of the condition. However, there are various forms of Parkinson’s therapy used in treatment of the condition and to control the symptoms. These medications used in Parkinson’s disease therapy increase dopamine levels in the nervous system and specifically in the brain. However, over time there may be a reduction in the medication’s helpful effects and symptoms can re-occur. In such instances, the medical practitioner alters the dosage, type of the medication, time taken between doses or even how the patient takes the medications. This therefore underlines the importance of working with the medical practitioners to ensure that the treatment program is adjusted in the right manner.

    One class of medications used in the Parkinson’s disease therapy is called dopamine agonists. These drugs stimulate more dopamine activity by duplicating the brain chemicals characteristics in the cell that makes use of the chemical. Though they are very helpful in assuaging the condition, they can result in side effects like low blood pressure, behavioral problems and daytime sleepiness.

    Other medications used in Parkinson’s therapy replace dopamine. These drugs are known to contain levodopa, a chemical used in the manufacture of dopamine by the brain. However, levodopa is known to have side effects like vomiting, nausea, low blood pressure and even loss of appetite when administered alone. In this case, it is administered together with another chemical known as carbidopa that eliminates or lowers the side effects by inhibiting the production of dopamine on the outer side of the brain.

    Medications can be effective in controlling the symptoms, helping to restore some of what Parkinson’s takes away. When combined with physical therapy and lifestyle changes, Parkinson’s sufferers can slow the progression of the disease if early on or make. The main aim of the physical therapy is to enhance the individual’s independence as well as quality of their life through improving their movement as well as functioning. In addition, the therapy is important in relieving pain.


    Parkinson’s is a disease that comes about after the death of cells in the brain that secrete a chemical called dopamine which is used to in the communication between brain cells. The cause for death of the cells is however unknown. The disease has a genetic predisposition and appears to be more common amongst people exposed to certain chemicals. Diagnosis is often difficult as such evaluation is mainly based on the symptoms — especially the motor symptoms which are the most noticeable. The motor symptoms are associated with body movement and other voluntary muscle activities.

    The most prevalent Parkinson’s symptom is a tremor in the body. The tremors are experienced by more than 70% of all the sufferers, though tremors may not be apparent in the initial onset of the disease. As the disease progresses, most of the sufferers develop these tremors; the initial tremor usually comes about when the person is at rest. When a voluntary action is undertaken or the person sleeps, the tremors cease. The tremors usually affect a single arm or leg and progresses slowly to affect other parts of the body. The tremors experienced usually have a frequency of about 6 cycles per second. A common tremor experienced is the pill rolling which is a form of tremor where the index finger and the thumb come into contact and perform a circular motion which mimics how pills were created by hand.

    Another motor symptom of the disease is Bradikynesia. Bradikynesia refers to slowness of movement. The symptom refers to difficulty in planning and execution of a movement process. This is one of the disabling symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It involves difficulty in performing tasks which are specific like writing, dressing and sewing. The difficulty can however be encountered when an external cue is provided. The Bradikynesia does not affect all parts of the body the same way and, the severity can depend on the emotional state of the person.

    Another motor symptom associated with the disease is rigidity in the muscles. The rigidity refers to when there is an impediment to muscle movement which may be caused by a contraction of the muscles leading to an even muscle tone. The muscular rigidity either can be even or irregular. The rigidity may cause pain in most of the limb joints. Parkinson’s symptoms usually affect the face and neck muscles before it progresses throughout the body.

    Instability in posture is also one of the major motor symptoms. It usually comes in the latter stages of the disease. The instability may lead to many falls which may result in fractured bones. The severity of the disease determines the frequency of falls with about 40% of the sufferers falling once a week. Other motor problems include shuffling gait and mask like expressions.

    The symptoms of Parkinson’s may greatly resemble those of other diseases. If you suspect of any symptoms you should see a physician to determine if it really is Parkinson’s disease.


    Parkinson’s disease is a devastating condition which impairs the normal brain and central nervous functions of the patient. The exact cause of the disease has not yet been clearly established, but several factors have been identified as the possible cause but they can broadly be categorized into environmental and genetic factors.

    Modern Parkinson’s disease research findings tend to show that some people may possess certain genetics that put them at higher risk of contracting and developing this disease. Other research shows that some environmental factors may put someone at higher risk of developing the disease. The following is the latest Parkinson’s disease research which suggests that people who are exposed to certain pesticide (ziram) at or near the workplace are at high risk of developing the disease.

    UCLA Researchers Discover Link Between Some Pesticides And Parkinson’s Disease

    On May 26, 2011, the Science Daily newspaper reported that UCLA researchers had discovered link between some pesticides (which are frequently sprayed on crops for the purpose of controlling certain weeds) and Parkinson’s disease. The epidemiological study which led to these findings did not examine the farmers who are involved with the actual spraying of the maneb (fungicide) and paraquat (herbicide) pesticides on the crops.

    The researchers conducted the research on the people who lived near the farms which are sprayed with these chemicals. The researchers found that those people who lived in the farms which are sprayed with the paraquat or maneb had the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease increased by 75%.

    In a follow up Parkinson’s research and study, the same UCLA researchers found that another pesticide which is sold by brand name ziram also increased the risk of contracting this disease. This time, the researchers did not just conduct the study on the people who lived near farms which are sprayed with the pesticide. They also studied the areas of work of the people including firefighters, clerks and teachers who worked near the places which are sprayed in the pesticide.

    The researchers found that exposure to the combination of maneb, ziram, and paraquat near the place of work increase the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease three fold. The exposure to combination of ziram and paraquat increased the risk of contracting this disease by 80%. These results were also published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. If these findings are anything to go by, then you should by all means avoid exposure to any of the already stated chemicals at the farm fields or near your work place.

    The scientists who were involved in the research for the Parkinson’s disease study stated that these two studies tend to point towards a likely cause of this disease which develops later in life.

    Because this disease has no specific treatment and cure at the moment, reducing risk factors may reduce the chances of developing the disease. You should read the latest research on Parkinson’s disease news to stay updated on the progress of research about the disease.


    Parkinson’s Disease is most typically found in persons above the age of fifty, but it can also affect individuals below that age. In cases where the sufferer is at a younger age, it is generally due to genetic inheritance.

    What is Parkinson’s disease? This is a disorder that affects the central nervous system and the brain in particular, severely affecting an individual’s ability to coordinate their movement. In most cases, tremors and sometimes impaired speech are visible signs of Parkinson’s. The condition results from a deficiency in the chemical known as dopamine. Deficiency alone will not cause Parkinson’s; another chemical known as acetylcholine is also found in higher levels in Parkinson’s sufferers. Acetylcholine is responsible for contraction of muscles while dopamine reverses that process. This shift in the delicate balance between the two chemicals causes muscles to contract excessively.

    There are many predisposing factors for this condition. One of the most prevalent causes (apart from environmental factors) is genetic mutation. In this case, an individual inherits genetic disorders. Having parents or relatives who have the disease does not necessarily imply that you will get the disorder as well, but you stand a higher chance or are more prone to contracting the condition, especially if you are subjected or exposed to pesticides or other chemicals.

    There are several treatments for Parkinson’s. These include medications, some of which inhibit the production of acetylcholine while others increase the production of dopamine. Surgical methods may also become necessary where the medication fails. Recently, gene therapy for Parkinson’s has emerged as a treatment method. An important aspect of Parkinson’s gene therapy is that it has few side effects. The gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease is done on a particular region of the brain known as subthalamic nucleus. This is the region that becomes overactive thus blocking signals responsible for regulating and coordinating the movement of muscles. Due to a deficiency of the brain chemical called dopamine, there is a loss of a neurotransmitter known as GABA, thus resulting in increased activity in subthalamic nucleus.

    Gene therapy for Parkinson’s encodes the gene for the enzyme that is responsible for the production of GABA in the subthalamic nucleus. Studies have shown that gene therapy for Parkinson’s works by calming the region. In addition, it allows for a smoother flow in the transmission of messages throughout the brain, allowing the signals responsible for coordination of movement of muscles to be carried out via the closest thalamus.

    Gene therapy for Parkinson’s may be effective for even a year after the treatment has been administered. There are virtually no side effects to this process unlike other forms of treatment, particularly surgical processes like palidotomy and thalamotomy.


    Parkinson’s disease affects individuals mostly over fifty. There is no medication that has been known to ‘cure’ the condition; the medication can alleviate the symptoms that the individual suffering from the condition exhibits, but it cannot dispel the root cause. However, there are situations where the motor fluctuations in individuals may not effectively be taken care of by medications. In such situations, Parkinson’s surgery is a possible treatment option.

    Deep Brain Stimulation is recognized as the key surgical treatment option for Parkinson’s Disease. In this option, a wire is implanted in the patient’s brain. The wire is linked to a battery that is programmable. This battery is implanted on the wall of the chest subcutaneously. A major advantage of Deep Brain Surgery is that it can be reversed. In addition, it allows for optimization of the stimulation site by the post-operative programming. However, the process is very costly.

    Parkinson’s surgery should be offered to patients who are generally fit and display L-dopa-induced dyskinsea, relentless motor fluctuations, or both. Also, how the patient will respond to surgery sometimes can be predicted by how they respond to levodopa. During the sub-thalamic nucleus stimulation surgery, the patient remains conscious. Thalamic surgery such as Deep Brain Stimulation is only considered in instances where the patient has disabling tremors that are not calmed by levodopa. The surgery may not significantly enhance the response of the patient to levodopa.

    There are several potential problems associated with Deep Brain Surgery for Parkinson’s. Some patients experience a worsening of the symptoms like impairment of speech and balance. Other complications include cerebral atrophy.

    Even when surgery is used to treat advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease, it is imperative that an individual incorporates other behavioral changes, including establishing good nutrition and avoiding stress when possible. Exercise is also a good therapeutic component but should be in line with the changing levels of energy.


    Parkinson’s disease is a serious condition, affecting the mobility as well as the ability of individuals to coordinate their movement
    There is no medication that is known to cure the condition. What the medications and therapies do is deal with the symptoms of the condition. There are numerous types of medications — some of which are prescribed while others are bought over the counter.

    Given the seriousness of the condition, it is important that to seek the advice of qualified medical practitioners before taking over the counter medications. Some of the known over the counter medications used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs, which include ibuprofen and aspirin. These are recommended in cases where the individual is experiencing minor pains and aches. In addition, these medications are useful for conditions like rigidity, stiffness and immobility.

    However, there are instances when Parkinson’s over the counter medications should not be used for taking care of the pain and aches. At certain times, the doctor may suggest changes in the medications that the patient is taking, the dosage, the method in which the medication is taken and the duration between dosages.

    Some of the over the counter medications that you may come across fall in the class called Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOi). These drugs inhibit the action of monoamine oxidase that inactivates brain chemicals like dopamine. Falling in this class are rasagiline and selegiline, which are useful in the disease’s initial stages. They are useful in slowing down the development of the diseases symptoms. These drugs may have adverse side effects, especially when they are taken with particular medicines like anti-depressants and cough medicines. In addition, they can produce ill effects if the individual is taking foods that have too much tyramine, such as is found in fermented foods.

    Another class of over the counter medication is anti-cholinergics. These drugs are known to cause a reduction in the action of a brain chemical acetylcholine. Parkinson’s disease occurs in instances where the levels (and activity) of acetylcholine is higher than that of dopamine. Acetylcholine is responsible for the contraction of muscles while dopamine causes the reverse action. These drugs increase the activity of dopamine in the brain. These drugs do have some side effects and therefore should only be taken under the directions of qualified medical experts.


    At the early stages of development of Parkinson’s disease, the use of Pluripotent Stem Cells (PSCs) instills hope for reducing the effects of this disease and augurs well for the possibilities of finding an effective treatment in the future. Scientists involved in Parkinson’s stem cell treatments, however, agree that there is need for further and intensive research on this issue.

    This not withstanding, there are high hopes of the acquisition of undifferentiated stem cells from the body of the patient and then stimulating nerve cell differentiation.

    Pluripotent Stem Cells (PSCs) refer to special cells which have the unique characteristic and ability of developing into various types of cells in the body. In adults, there are also stem cells which are already partially differentiated and in theory are capable of replenishing body cells which have been worn out. Most of these cells are found in the hemopoietic tissue (in which blood cells are produced).

    There are three types of stem cells namely the embryonic, non-embryonic and the Pluripotent Stem Cells.

    The EMRYONIC STEM CELLS is the source of all cell types. These cells can divide and replicate for long duration without differentiation to other types of cells. The source of these cells is the human embryo from where they are then taken to a laboratory to be expanded grown.

    The NON – EMRYONIC STEM CELLS are those stem cells which are totally undifferentiated or partially differentiated and which are present amongst the differentiated cells in body organ or tissue. These stem cells usually undergo differentiation to produce cells which are similar to those which neighbor them. These stem cells are mostly involved in tissue repair.

    The PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS (PSCs) are the cells which form the bulk of stem cell treatment for Parkinson’s diseases. The PSCs have a very great potential of undergoing differentiation or generating tissues and cells which are specified. The PSCs Parkinson disease stem cell treatment aims at replacing the dopaminergic neurons (which produce dopamine). The destruction of these cells is considered to be the underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease.

    Cutting edge stem cell advances– Stem Cell applications for Parkinsons Disease—also view video; , Please contact Cindy Miropol, O.T.R. Founder Healing Hope Team for further information on Stem Cell treatment for Parkinson Disease ; (*and some additional applications including- COPD, Macular Degeneration; Arthritis/Orthopedic, Diabetes- Type 2; and more ), contact me for details–,